beevul: Because suicides and homicides have different causes. Lumping them together ignores those differing causes, and casts a large shadow of doubt on the sincerity you and your buddies claim toward wanting to reduce "gun deaths".
... In short, your actions betray your intentions.
Well, the subdivision suicide total by firearm apparently is 21,175, which would place it right at the #15 marker, does it not?
2013 Intentional self-harm (suicide) ..... 41,149
Intentional self-harm (suicide) by discharge of firearms .......... 21,175
beevul's list: 14.Parkinson’s – 25,196
15.Pneumonitis due to solids and liquids 18,579
beevul: Again, this list isn't death by instrument, its death by cause.
Strained reasoning. Subdividing suicide gets firearm suicide as the #15 cause.
2013 Assault (homicide) ........ 16,121
Assault (homicide) by discharge of firearms ..........11,208
Assault (homicide) by other and unspecified means .. 4,913
beevul: Lumping them together ignores those differing causes,
Yet here, beevul, the CDC list you cite lumps influenza and pneumonia together as one cause, are you throwing your violation flag on yourself? your list has it #8.Flu and pneumonia – 56,979:
Influenza and pneumonia ....... 56,979
... Influenza ......................... 3,697
... Pneumonia ..................... 53,282
Influenza is an infection mainly affecting the nose, throat, airways, and lungs.
Pneumonia is an inflammation of one or both lungs, usually caused by an infection.
And why is #15 not in sync somehow with the aforementioned #8? as well as specifying the 'instrument' of ingestion as cause:
15. Pneumonitis due to solids and liquids 18,579
Pneumonitis is a term that refers to lung tissue inflammation due to factors other than a microbial infection
Pls explain these apparent discrepancies; the predominance of the suicide affliction would be 'suicide by firearm'.
beevul: As a second reason, I support people being able to take their own lives for any reason.
Just curious, are you voting for donald trump this year? (my bet); or our beloveds hillary or bernie?
High school grads get jilted for the prom, depressed, but OK by beevul if they wanna, eh?
Even assisted suicide doctors do not concur with beevul's warped mentality on this.