Lawmakers Debate Ban on Firearms in Maine Subsidized Housing [View all]
Lawmakers Debate Ban on Firearms in Maine Subsidized Housing
Second amendment rights clashed with property owners' rights at the Maine State House Wednesday afternoon, with lawmakers considering a bill that prevents landlords from banning handguns in subsidized housing properties.
Republican State Sen. Andre Cushing sponsored the bill after an incident in Rockland last fall.
Harvey Lembo, an elderly and disabled man, was the victim of several home invasions and robberies. He bought a gun to defend himself, and days later, used it on an intruder. The property management company told Lembo to surrender the gun or be evicted. It was against the policy in the subsidized housing to have firearms...
..."Tenants routinely give up rights when they move into an apartment building," said Bill Harwood, founder of the Maine Gun Safety Coalition.
What other rights do they give up, Mr. Harwood? The rights to:
Free practice of religion?
The right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures?
Lembo is suing his landlord, and I hope he wins big time.