That is your right, but ignoring inconvenient studies does not refute the studies.
Put your money where your mouth is:
1. The hypothesis of "more guns = more deaths" is demonstrably false over the past 28 years of documented American history. The number of firearms in civilian circulation have been steadily increasing over that time period, and the number of firearm-related fatalities has not been equivalently increasing. However, again, since there seems to be some confusion on the concept, proving "more guns = more deaths" to be false does not prove "more guns = fewer deaths" to be true. Doing so would require accounting for far more variables than I did, and involve far more interesting math than I employed, and require controlling for far more variables than I care to.
When I see you behave the way you seem to demand others behave, and address MY cite which was posted first, I'll address your cites. Don't come here demanding that others play by the rules when you can't be bothered to follow them yourself. QQing about it just makes you a hypocrite.
...the fact that Heller v. District of Columbia is an example of legislation by Court and judicial overreach.
That's not a fact. Its an unsupported assertion, an opinion, asserted by you without any evidence or substantiation of any kind.
If you want to debate
Heller, start a new thread right here and right now, I'm game. No, I don't think you want to debate that at all. I think you just want to cast aspersions and assert without evidence your opinion, and label it as fact. The 90s are calling, they want their old dusty worn out tactics back.