Here's a copy/paste revision of a previous post I submitted in response to dismissive post re. Kleck:
1) Kleck's survey was taken at the very peak of U.S. gun violence, and could well have been on the high end of the actual DGU number. Scholars who conduct surveys expect readers of their research to know that there's considerable possible variation in their findings. (FYI -gun violence is currently around half of what is was in 1993, though most Controllers aren't aware of that fact)
2) Kleck's chief critic - Philip Cook - came up with a figure of 1.5 million defensive gun uses with his survey instrument.....the NSPOF. That's within the margin of error of the Kleck finding.
3) There are something in the order of 16 surveys by now that support Kleck's finding of high numbers of DGUs
4) Guess you haven't heard the latest bad news from the CDC, who also admitted that defensive gun uses have been radically underestimated.
5) "Award-winning" ---- Yes. Kleck won the Michael Hindelang award - the highest bestowed by the American Society of Criminology for his book Point Blank which outlined the methodology for his DGU survey. The dean of American criminology - Marvin Wolfgang (RIP) - lauded Dr. Kleck for this methodology and the care he took in it's construction. And yes -- he really does eviscerate the minions of the felony-dishonest medical "scholars". You can see for yourself in his book Targeting Guns, a revised version of Point Blank rewritten with the lay reader in mind.
6) Jimmy Carter commissioned James Wright and Peter Rossi to study the effects of "gun control". Jimmy got bad news. The honest liberal criminologists reported back that there was no evidence that any "gun control" measure to that date had any measurable effect on gun violence. Go to Amazon and search under James Wright + Peter Rossi + Under the Gun and read the reviews.
The following link will take you to the Cook/Ludwig survey referenced in point #2. It was only after Cook's own survey demonstrated high numbers of DGU's that he came to the all-too-convenient conclusion that all DGU surveys were worthless. I wonder if he would have come to the same conclusion if his survey delivered the 'gotcha' that he was looking for........indicating low numbers of DGU's. Somehow I doubt it, based on a number of demonstrations of dishonesty by Cook and others that Kleck points out in his book Targeting Guns.