'Death to Gays' Pastor Donnie Romero Threatens Violence Against LGBT Protesters [View all]
'Death to Gays' Pastor Donnie Romero Threatens Violence Against LGBT Protesters
Orlando Sodomite Gun Control Agenda - Love Wins?
via @YouTube
A rabidly anti-gay Fort Worth pastor suggested in a sermon Wednesday that members of his church will shoot LGBT activists who plan a protest outside the building this weekend.
Last week, Pastor Donnie Romero of Stedfast Baptist Church, which has been designated an anti-LGBT hate group, said he's praying for survivors of the Orlando terror attack to die. (
http://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/johnwright/pastor_calls_orlando_terror_victims_perverts_pedophiles_prays_for_survivors_to_die ) The New Civil Rights Movement was the first national outlet to report on Romero's remarks, which have now been viewed nearly 64,000 times on YouTube.
In another sermon Wednesday, Romero responded to criticism of his hateful comments by denying that they incite violence against LGBT people.
"I’m not saying, 'Go kill these people.' The government should be doing it," Romero said.
Then, Romero proceeded to make a thinly veiled threat against protesters who plan to gather outside Stedfast Baptist Church on Sunday morning.
[i"I’m not saying, 'Go kill these people.' The government should be doing it," Romero said.
This disgusting "church" officially listed as hate group. With so many of these so-called "Christians" denying their own god's teachings, maybe Jesus' religion needs its own version of anti-defamation league.