Texas Lawman Linked to Oath Keepers Convicted After Violating Inmate Rights [View all]
Source: Rolling Stone
Texas Lawman Linked to Oath Keepers Convicted After Violating Inmate Rights
Tim Dickinson
Mon, September 18, 2023 at 4:31 PM EDT·4 min read
A Texas sheriff with links to the Oath Keepers has been convicted of official oppression for the mistreatment of detainees in his jail in 2021, one of whom allegedly staged a suicide attempt.
Jeffery C. Lyde is the suspended sheriff of Clay County, a rural area of North Texas near the Oklahoma border. In November 2021, Rolling Stone broke the news that Lydes name appeared on a leaked roster of the Oath Keepers the conspiratorial, anti-government militia that once actively recruited members of law enforcement. That very day, Lyde was arrested and booked at his own jail for allegedly abusing his official powers specifically for the extended jailing of two arrestees without a finding of probable cause.
The jury trial, which concluded Friday, revealed that a local couple, Landon Goad and Sarah Johnson, had been arrested for a domestic disturbance and booked into Clay Countys jail in July 2021.
Under Texas law, the couple should have been seen within 24 hours by a magistrate judge, to review the evidence of probable cause for their arrest. Federal courts have ruled that the U.S. Constitution guarantees this due process within a maximum of 48 hours.
Read more: https://news.yahoo.com/texas-lawman-linked-oath-keepers-203107796.html
5 paragraphs of outrageous misconduct trimmed for copyright.