I adopted my friend's kitty [View all]
My friend passed away Oct. 1. I've known the kitty, who is about 18, since my friend adopted her from the basement of the school building where she worked. I brought the kitty home yesterday. She is doing fine, trip and all.
I want to brag a little. At her house, my friend had a little oak bench set on the far side of her bed so the kitty could jump up and down if she needed a step. She doesn't usually, but she uses it if she wants to. My bedroom wasn't set up to safely set the bench. I figured if I tried, I'd trip on it. So this morning, I just rearranged the whole room, to set the bench on the far side of the bed so it's accessible to her and safe for me. Dusting and vacuuming while her highness watches from the bed
Everything else is in place and she is quite satisfied with her new home.