we who have rescued animals are right there with you. Some weeks are so hard. Sometimes, it's hard to just keep your heart and mind in check and not go after some two-legged *asstard with a baseball bat.
I'm old now, and can't do the rescues I used to do. Mother nature seems to know that, and has stopped putting me in rescue type situations. But I still have 8 cats who couldn't find homes once I rescued them, and there's no reason, except for the plethora of cats and kittens. Because people will not get their pets spayed! (argh!!!) and don't keep them from roaming the neighborhoods. Three of my cats are from the same litter; one other is a member of the generation born just before them. I trapped, spayed, and released the cats from that neighborhood... but there are so many who have no homes and no one to care about them. That's where rescuers like you and so many of us on this blog come in. Even today, I would never turn away a cat (or dog) in need.
If you can find a rescue society or animal welfare community to work with they might be able to lighten some of your burden. The one time I did that, I ended up fostering animals for them! LOL!
These cats that absolutely no one else wanted have given me so much in return through the years. I wouldn't want to part with any of them now. Luckily, they're all growing older as I grow older, too. I've already lost 3 of my seniors (20+ y.o.) since the middle of last year. And my heart breaks for each one. As money grows tighter, being only on SS, we still figure out ways to get them what they need. Right now, one needs a $600 operation. I'm not sure how we're going to pull this off, but we will. Trust the Universe and know that your skills, talent, and heart is appreciated by It. May Bast bless you and help you through the rough times. Never doubt the work you do is necessary and important.