Is any other D.U.members fortunate to have a home furry defense system that protects you. [View all]
I know for a fact that our Diamond dog on here has Sophie a yellow lab that protects her and family from serial killing mail personnel or package delivery people. Or anybody deemed a threat by Sophie the savage beast.
So around 02:30 this morning Dunc the golden retriever is barking out the bedroom window paws on windowsill at what i think was township police officers on D.U.I. stop.
Dunc definitely learned to do this from Boog the chocolate lab who would give us the play by play on occasions night time traffic stops.
Dunc keeping me in the know dad the two serial killer police officers are now making the drunk serial killer try to walk in straight line. I am protecting us my family i am amazed that none of you got deaded dad before i came.
I call to him Dunc get back in bed why bother what has two ears and does not listen.