He's not a pet, but... [View all]
I have a problem with a boy cat hanging around periodically or more frequently. He's a tuxie and my girls are, to put it politely, not fond of him. especially Meggie. I have no idea who he belongs to, or if he belongs to anyone at all. He's been looking pretty skinny of late. If he comes close to the house, you will hear what my husband politely calls a "political discussion", usually followed by him taking off to sit under the forsythia bushes in the back. Yesterday, when I noticed he was looking so thin, I took a dish of kibble and put it back there, today when I retrieved it, it was gone.
Here's my problem. I'd like to feed him and get him comfortable enough so he could either join the pack or preferably, be transferred to the shelter where he could be properly cared for, neutered, and be either reclaimed or adopted. BUTTTT (and it's a big one)...I'm afraid that no matter where I feed him, my girls, especially Josie, will find and eat the food. And Josie, to put it politely, is a chonky girl, no matter how much less I feed her than I feed Meggie. She does NOT need any extra! The girls are barn cats and do not come inside.
Ideas, anyone?