Pooper was doing well... [View all]
today she has taken a turn. She's vomited everything she ate this morning so has stopped eating again.
We are going back to the vet tomorrow. Today was the first day she didn't have Cerenia (the anti-nausea med, they only gave us a few days worth) so hopefully getting a few more will help.
I tried syringe feeding her a little canned food slurry, to get some liquid in her and maybe jump-start her appetite, but she vomited that, too.
I found her thyroid pill for last night's dose on my bedside table. Got it out too early and meant to give it to her an hour later and totally forgot. Didn't even realize it until I saw the pill at 4:00 this afternoon.
She got her pill on time this afternoon and I have an alarm set for tonight's dose, so maybe getting her back on track with those meds will help. It's only one missed dose so I doubt it. Although she is brand new to these meds, so missing just one could have a big effect?
Just worried. Earlier today she did eat about 6 Temptations treats (kitty crack). I was desperate. Those stayed down. She was very interested in them, but everything else she turns her nose up at. She sniffs the food, licks her lips, and then leaves the dish. My poor baby must be hungry.
I had five different types of canned food out for her today, have added warm water, microwaved it for a few seconds, dabbed some on her nose... she just won't eat. Her eating treats is great, but she needs hydration. In a little while I'm going to syringe feed her a very small amount of warm water and see if she keeps it down. I really don't want her to vomit again and I know she doesn't want to.