My cat is the last of her generation. We had a boy cat who was the smartest non-verbal pet I've ever had and I still miss him terribly. He was an only cat for almost 2 years. Current kitty was a stray who came to the house. We brought her in, and our boy cat was fascinated immediately. We always called the stray his pet, and she behaved like she was his pet, not much interaction with us humans. He died about 3 years ago. We had another girl cat we adopted from the shelter in 2014, and she and the stray hated each other's guts. The shelter kitty passed away about a year after the boy cat. Our stray's personality really developed after she became an only cat. She isn't exactly affectionate, but she expects me to fulfill her needs. The boy cat groomed her, at least her head and face. She is long-heaired and doesn't do much of that for herself. I have an array of brushes, have to brush her several times a day. I cut clumps of hair off her almost every day. I've been giving her weekly half baths for almost 2 years, and recently started wiping her face with a warm, damp cloth. I refuse to do more! lol She lets me know if she is ready for the bath. I think it makes her feel more comfortable.
Cats are cats, but every one of them is unique.