She knew to find me when she was dying of dehydration and hear while trying to keep her babies alive.
I still cannot believe how close it had to be to these two not surviving. She showed up while I was watering plants on my deck. She was truly nothing but skin and bones and could barely walk. I fed and watered her (were in a historic heatwave, so her dehydration was beyond normal) and noticed she'd been nursed, but was all dried up. I assumed the poor babies didn't survive the harsh environment she'd been forced to endure.
The water was a miracle for her. The next day she was there when I went out and had milk. I felt terrible thinking I'd just barely missed the window to save her babies! Then the next day I saw where she was being nursed! It appeared there were 2 kittens based on her nipples and the ones drained. I kept feeding, watering and loving her (she's 100% tame and domesticated) and next thing I know she shows up at my back door with these two little angels! They couldn't eat real food yet then, but due to her health I supplement with kitten milk mixed in canned food and here we are today!
She goes in next week to be spayed, tested for FIV and fully vaccinated. If all goes well I hope to be able to bring her (and the Dudes) in with the rest of my 3 kitties after that. They'll be neutered next month or the month after (per my finances) and vaccinated.