Lost a member of the family. [View all]
We just lost our Little Bear that we had for 13 years. He was my buddy and a sweet guy.
Little Bear
He had some medical problems and was overweight but he was getting around fine and was a happy dog. We lost his sister at the end of November and you could tell he missed her terribly.
Bear and sister
When he started frequent coughing I took him to the vet - several times - and finally we had x-rays done but nothing was ever for sure diagnosed. His heart and lungs look fine for a 13 year old. I had to practically beg the vet to get us some kind of cough medicine. The codeine syrup worked for the cough but he was still hyperventilating.
The x-rays were sent to a specialist and before we could get the results he passed away overnight.
We found out from the specialist that he had a collapsed trachea. I'd never heard of this before, but it can be a thing and apparently there is just almost nothing that can be done for it.
Awful quiet around here now that both dogs are gone.