even when it happens to one that's not one of yours. I just did the same for a neighborhood wanderer two weeks ago. Broke my heart; I have such a soft spot for orange tabbies, anyway.
This situation is why, when moving to a slightly larger house 4 blocks from our first in this city, and upon seeing the youngling ferals sprawled out in the middle of the street, hubby and I stopped the car and swooped up all three and took them home to add to our group. Even with them, I now have 9 indoor cats, and a dog the size of a pony. But they were just so sweet and street idiots; and the cars raced up and down the street all the time. We just couldn't stand the thought of anything happening to them. Taking care of them is hard, now that our bodies aren't as strong as they once were. But in the deepest depths of depression to which I've sunk at times, they keep me grounded and are my reason for rising each day. They give me more comfort than they'll know. And of course, I spoil them rotten.
The storms over the weekend destroyed the roof of the catio... so we have major work to rebuild and expand it once the ground dries out a bit. We're trying to do it on the cheap, after having an extra $2000 come out of our account for house insurance renewal this month. But they're a priority. Thank goodness hubby finally realized I was serious when I said "love me... love my cats!"
I'll say the same little prayer for your lost little one, that I said for lost orange tabby. May Bast guide his feet gently and swiftly across the Rainbow Bridge. To play in sunshine and wait on the one who'll love him.