miss hot lips the perfect pup came along.
at 1 time i had dogs who stayed off the furniture. that was long ago, tho. now i have a king size bed so theres room for the 3 of them. if u had told me i would let a new pup join the pack to sleep, ida taken your temperature. but from night 2 on, so she has.
always did use training treats for pups, but once they got older, i felt like it made them only work when hungry. only the big mutt is rly motivated for a tidbit.
hot lips isnt so much a chow hound as a ppl food aficionado. she might not look at her breakfast on any given day, but will do anything for french fries, any time.
i have a dehydrator that i use a lot, and i dry my leftovers for treats. currently have a jar of dried tortellini in meat sauce, and little bites of pizza. those are our on leash training treats, cuz once shes out the gate, she just wants to follow her nose. at 70 lbs of muscle, shes my match w/o ammo.
i always get extra fries if i get burgers, sometimes cheese fries, and dry them. nice crunchy treat.
yes, i am totally spoiling this pup. breaking my own rules. but ya know what? this pup is bonded to me like few other dogs have. at the same time, shes independent. amuses herself w toys. chases the rodents in the backyard. sometimes cuddling up while i sit on my ass, sometimes laying under the bed. almost always following me to the john.
dog #16, pup #12, peak pet achieved.