in my neighborhood. We have terrific committed pros and private groups who help the animals. One lady has become the dog whisperer, and gets on the run dogs found, caught, and back to their owners. I donate to a group called Freiends of Forgotten Felines. Idiots dump their cats at the fairground and there is a sizeable colony there. FoFF feeds them, does TNR and finds homes if the volunteers get the kitties tamed down. Lots of foster homes, volunteers, fund raisers, help with spay/neuter, SPOT clinics, and opportunities to show off the shelter animals to the public. They'll take mainly dogs and cats to outdoor public events, take them for a pup cup, supply We Luv Pets with adoptable kitties. Kroger has a program where customers can pick a local org. and every quarter, Kroger will donate a percentage of what you spent to the org. you picked. That all helps the animals picked up, but locally, the humane officer wants you to have the animal caught, and there's the trick for me
My daughter has a live trap, and I will ask to borrow it.