Josie has a sister! [View all]
Because Winnie seems, for all practical purposes, to have disappeared, and her microchip does not have a GPS, I thought that sooner or later Josie would need a sibling. She can't cover the entire property on her own.
I had intended to bring home a tabby boy I spotted in the barn cat room last week, but Cheyenne, keeper of the barn cats, knows I prefer the ladies for their hunting skills, so he wasn't there when I went in yesterday for my regular shift. Instead, she had kept a lovely little tuxie girl with big round yellow eyes, so that's who went home with me instead. She is still very scared and not coming out for photos, but I can assure you she's pretty. She's younger and smaller than Josie, which was what I wanted so that Josie, who was here first, would hopefully be the boss cat. She did eat a little bit of wet food, drink some water, and use the litter box some time between her arrival and this morning, so things are probably okay. Her shelter name was Marcie, but I thought that, in keeping with (Empress) Josephine, she should have a royal name, so I named her Marguerite and am calling her Meggie. Of course she will answer or not, as she chooses.