Things with Carys went from wow to HOLY COW last night [View all]
She woke up at midnight by patty pawing my face! Then she started licking and VERY gently kitten nibbling my hand and wrist. I still didn't pet her because I was in shock. Next she started stretching and rubbing her head against my arm. Her purrs were so loud they actually vibrated though the pillow! So I figured what the heck and gave her a head a pet. She just melted into a long stretch.
So I spent about an hour just playing with her. Eventually she moved over to Arthur and started grooming him. Thankfully I was able to fall asleep, again.
This morning she was waiting in the kitchen and started playfully attacking my ankles the instant I walked through the doorway. She let me pick her up, give her pets, and it was wonderful. She will still, on occasion, kind of scoot away a little bit but she's not running and hiding.
At dinner and after, last night, she was still evading my hand if I tried to pet her. Even during our treats session she kept her distance. I had to toss the treats to her!! Something FINALLY clicked in her sweet little brain that I can be trusted.
Hopefully this behavior will continue. I'm heading to the store this morning (FINALLY got my car back from the mechanic) and I'll buy some special treats.
Sorry to go on for so long but I'm pretty much chuffed to the max. I can't wait to see how the day goes.