My darling Penelope passed last month [View all]
Penelope had nasal lymphoma and rallied briefly with a course of steroids. When she began eating and drinking less and less with each passing day, I knew I'd have to let her go. My vet and her assistant were angels of mercy.
She was a year old when I got her, and her just-weened daughter Calliope, from a rescue shelter. She was with us for 14 years. I'm heartbroken. I think Calliope is grieving as well. We still have each other.
I sometimes look to find her in her usual haunts. Shortly after she died I thought I saw her shadow and felt her brush by me to get to her feeding bowl. She came to me in a dream last Thursday night. She jumped on my lap and was purring. I could feel her warmth and soft fur. I held her close until she struggled. Then she was gone.
It's taken more than a month to finally post this tribute. I just couldn't do it; couldn't find the strength or the words.
I love and miss you, Penelope.
The final photo is of her grave in my flower bed. I planted crocus bulbs in the mound and they'll bloom in the early spring--if the squirrels don't get them first.
Thanks for taking a moment to view this.
Penelope Penelopuss
2007-October 17, 2022