what you do need to watch out for is neonicotinoids, a type of pesticide many nurseries have been using in greenhouses. Neonicotinoids have been used recently in commercial agriculture and nurseries because they kill insects without being toxic to humans, birds or mammals. The problem is that these chemicals are systemic. They are applied to seeds and seedlings, and end up distributed throughout the whole plant. Then, if bugs eat the plant, they die. The problem is that these chemicals also kill the bees that eat the plants' nectar, and this is getting to be a huge problem. Some nurseries have lately started advertising that their plants are neonic-free, and you should buy only from those nurseries and garden centers. If you get plants from a big-box store, however, you probably can't be sure those plants are safe. More info here: http://www.motherearthnews.com/organic-gardening/neonicotinoid-insecticides-zmgz14fmzsto.aspx#axzz3BFiruBaR
There could be a lot of reasons why the hummingbirds aren't coming to the hanging flowers, but GMOs are not a likely culprit. GMO plants are being developed mainly for crops, not ornamentals.