but it doesn't seem like the writer is up to date on the latest findings with Roundup (glyphosate). That stuff is scary. More and more comes out each day. It is not safe for humans or the environment.
It would be a cold day in hell before I'd use it. Besides health and safety, I also have no desire to make Monsanto even richer.
This just came out the other day. It is about how it causes kidney disease:
Just do a Google news search under "roundup glyphosate" for further horrification.
My current solution for weeds is not the most environmentally friendly but being overwhelmed with house, work, trustee duties, etc., it's all I can do: weedwacker. I'm very careful to never let weeds go to seed and I just wack 'em when they raise their ugly little heads.
I think an ideal way would be to wack 'em down and then apply your home recipe so you have less foliage to spray. I may try that.
I used to hate noisy lawn equipment and I still won't use a leaf blower but my lawnmower is used once a month and my weedwacker once every two weeks, which I do not consider too bad.
I can get away with this because I've eliminated most lawn and I do a lot of mulching.