Starting my renovation research today... this is the year! [View all]
Im in the process of getting approved for a home equity line of credit/loan... And have been mulling over the things I wanna do to make it feel better for ME.
The way Real Estate is going in Tahoe right now, Im not gonna spend big bucks and fancy stuff... since if I sell in 5-10 years someone else is just gonna gut it and do their own stuff. So this is mostly DIY and minor cosmetics. (Kitchen cabinets are just gonna get paint and new hardware and a stick-on backsplash...)
I even priced out new kitchen appliances, which makes me kinda excited (not as expensive as I thought). And I figure if I am gonna re-do the floors, Im gonna finally ditch all the mangy hand me down furniture that doesnt match and get myself something I actually like.
Decided to go vinyl with a laminate look through the main areas...then carpet in the bedrooms for warmth.
Not gonna re-do ALL the windows (though Id love to but that's very high cost) But the front ones are definitely leaking heat and letting in summer heat and Im gonna invest in that too. (and a new front door!)
Im seeing that I dont have to do this super expensive. and my son is trying to learn some trades-work so he's down to help. His GF's dad is a big time plumbing contractor and also knows everyone in town, so he can probably hook me up with installers for the big stuff.
I'm just trying to figure out what ORDER to do this stuff?
Lots of places say floors first, but I'm thinking last...(before painting) because of moving appliances around and such.
I'm also leaning to the Kitchen/Living room first sot he front of the house is done, then it's just little stuff in the bathrooms (new fixtures, painting the cabinets...) Stuff I think will be the easiest.
Any input?