In a bad place :( [View all]
As many here may know if you read the lounge or the mental health board I have a long history of mental problems. Mostly anxiety, depression and the like. You can see my posts in the mental health board for a history. Anyway on top of all my problems I'd turned to binge drinking in resent years. I stopped for a few years but started again a few months back after my last emotional breakdown. I promised myself I would stop and seven posted said promised here on DU but today after a week I caved. I've been having STRONG anxiety and cravings this past 2 weeks. I'm wondering if the new medication I'm on is causing this cause despite my prior history I never felt this way before starting this med combo. I'm used to feeling like a piece of shit and not worthy of exiatance but I haven't felt these cravings till a week or two ago and the anxiety has gotten worse. But then again these are the same symptoms one gets from alcohol dependence
Anyway I'm just about at the end of my rope here. I see my psychiatrist tomorrow but am not sure what to tell him. I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel any more.