My Dad never liked the mongrel pup my Grandfather gave me, and my parents never taught me to be a good pet guardian to begin with. My Dad wasn't evil, there was just so much family tension due to all the mental illness (Mom, Grandfather) and its consequences. I really felt kind of ripped off though, when later on they started getting these tiny, nasty-tempered little expensive dogs and treating them like gold, when my dog died at 5 from being poisoned by someone running the neighborhood. My Dad always said that mixed breed dogs weren't smart, but pure bred dogs were. Later, when my life went to hell and my folks took control of my life for about a year I lost the two cats I had, never being told where they took them.
I never felt safe enough to have a pet until 2 years ago, afraid something would happen and I'd lose another one. Now my husband and I have this little Border Collie mix we adopted as a puppy from the shelter (I'm always over in the pets group talking about my precious Layla). I wanted a mixed breed from the shelter if I ever got a dog. And she is smart as HELL too! Due to her, I've gotten involved in dog agility, talk about being a kid again! Here's a 48 year old woman chasing this black and white blur around an agility course. We're not very good yet (Layla likes to jump the gun and take off without me, usually to the wrong obstacle, LOL) but we're trying. And she loves it! She is so eager to learn. I also imagine how socially wrong I appear running around in a big field near our home playing "chuck-it" with my fast, active dog. It's just joy though, all the way. She brings such child-like joy to both my husband and I.