When we got back from our honeymoon in November, my wife and I were in for a shock. One of Jen's aunts had been house sitting for us and had taken some liberties with our place with the help of Jen's parents. The place was pretty messy, but most of it was from all of the wedding gifts that we had scattered around. We did not have time to store everything before we left. But Jen's aunt did have a clean kitchen, bathroom, and a clean bed to sleep in.
Not only did they tidy up the place, but they also re-arranged our bedroom and decided to give some of Jen's clothes to the Goodwill. And the tidying that they did wasn't really all that helpful. I had spent a couple of days getting a room organized not long before we were married. They simply grabbed all of our wedding gifts and literally piled them up in that room. It looks as if they just threw them in there.
Well, the shit hit the fan. Jen was very angry at her aunt and parents and told them about it. They didn't understand. They thought that they had done this big favor for us and thought Jen was being an ungrateful little bitch. Then I got mad at them and suddenly here we all are all mad at each other. Emotions were in turmoil and feelings were hurt. According to Jen there had never been a time like this in her life when she and her folks were this at odds with each other. She cried and cried.
But after a few days we began to talk to each other again. We calmly explained our side and they theirs. Then we went to a family get-together with my in-laws. Things were a little tense but we were all civil. Then we went out to dinner with Jen's parents and had a good time. And then things were back to normal.
This all started with a pissed off e-mail from Jen to her mother and snowballed from there. I think something like this had to happen between Jen and her folks sooner or later. They had treated her like a child for all of her life even though she is 40 now. That break had to happen.
I'm not saying that the above is descriptive of what you are going through with your daughter. The point is that we had a big fight, but with a little time our love for each other won the day. You and your daughter love each other. Maybe a little time will heal the wounds that are currently being created.