Well, I tried its pointless [View all]
Last edited Sat Sep 21, 2024, 08:25 PM - Edit history (2)
After a neutral, so I thought, normal conversation with my sister, she asked how much Xanax I took today bc "I'm out of it". I took no Xanax today.
For some context of. How nuts this is...the sopranos was on hbo. I thought we could discuss TS. she's apparently obsessed with it. Sure enough, bc i missed a few eps ( TS IS NOT THAT IMP TO ME ASSHOLE IF I MISS A FEW EPS FFS). then being harangued that I need to stream it or I won't understand it.
Ok i get it. Its a super violent show abt sociopaths. Then she was like quizzing me on what i saw. Its nothing but nagging lecturing, bullying. Fuck you. My new rule is ending contact as soon as the critisism starts. Why do I do this to myself?
She's working on her bank ruptcy. My jaw hurts today. Did I mention her car was repossed? Her water and elec are in a constant state of being turned on and off. Then there was her shoplifting charge.
ETA not only am I out of it, I'm more out of it than usual. She's on tons of pain meds and needs psychiatric care
ETA fun bday. Cousin didn't do her annual visit and insane invalidating sister told me off that i need to stop acting like I'm five its just another day etc. She doesn't know a lot back story and I'm not texting it to her. I got a good telling off today by some of the psychos who surround me. No problem is important until its YOUR problem right?