Back from my therapy session and I'm ready for a nap [View all]
Not just because of the appointment. The only thing I've eaten, for the last 24 hours, is a few slices of cheese. My appetite is gone and last night was the first night I slept for more than 2 or 3 hours. I had to do some things to pick up after I left the appointment and damn, that wiped me out.
He was, of course, fully of sympathy about the loss of Sian. He was shocked when I told him about the message I received from a non-blood related family member 'disowning' me because I got tired of arguing with her and pretty much told her to not concern herself with my priorities, what I do and why I do what I do. She's a bit of a narcissistic control freak so that didn't sit well. It's a long, YEARS in the making schism that didn't happen earlier because I was far too accommodating, forgiving, and willing to walk on egg shells every time I was around her. She just picked a really bad time to issue her verdict. It popped up just after we buried Sian and I was still in a state of shock and grief.
I purged myself of a lot, about her, that I've been holding on to, so that helps. He agreed I was justified in blocking her from any form of contact, unless she decides to mail me a letter and somehow I doubt she will go that route.
My next appointment with him will be a week after my psych eval, which is on the 14th.
Now I'm going to try and thing of something that might trigger my appetite. I picked up some temptations but I want to start off with something very light like toast and tea.