Really struggling. Dying cat who shouldn't be. [View all]
Our Trixie is 12, and to look at her face she's happy and healthy. But she throws up all the time and has consumed her body down from 11 to maybe 5lbs. She also has urinary issues. She tries to go, straining, everywhere all the time. Just drops come out. The one vet visit we could afford this spring showed her blood work as great, but since her bladder was empty no sample was collected. We assumed uti and gave her antibiotics. It didn't clear anything up, though she peed larger amount on the anti-inflammatory.
And now we're tapped out, I'm watching her die by inches, and it's killing me. We couldn't afford the $500 for that visit, and right after we had to get four new tires for the car, so no chance of a second visit. I'm sad and mad and frustrated. I can't talk to hubby about it, be cause he feels bad that the cat and I are unwell. I don't want to add to his own mental strain. He's carried so much over the years. I just want to climb into the fridge and eat everything.
Here's my baby before she got sick. Such a sweet girl!!