A friend I met last year in "the program" is now hospitalized [View all]
I hate it that that's become necessary. But she was honest with the program psychiatrist, and told him she'd been cutting.
I don't really know how to encourage her. I've been hospitalized myself, two months in 1986 and a week in 2019, and I remember precious little. This makes me mad. (I'm sure not knowing how to encourage her is due to having had ECT in April-August '23. It wiped out most of my memory.)
I probably can't take her anything, but I'm going to take her a Monster anyway, and maybe a Snickers.
Have you any advice for how to support my friend on my visit tonight? Thank you.
("The Program," or more frequently, just "Program," is at a mental hospital in Orange County, CA. It consists of four group sessions in about five hours [and lunch - hospital food. Yum.]. Patients are supported by a case manager (all certified psychologists, all of whom lead the groups) and a psychiatrist - and admin staff, who rarely get any glory. I attended last year from August to December. It was quite beneficial.)
If you have any ideas as to how I can support my friend on my visit tonight, I'd be very grateful. Thanks.