When things look dark or scary and I don't trust my own judgement on what to do next I try to think of what I would want for a loved one or best friend if they were in my situation.
For example: I have been seeing an alternative doctor that has been very helpful for my physical symptoms which of course helps my mental state too. But this person is a no-sugar-not-now-not-ever person and although I radically changed my died I could not go no sugar (I do not have a high blood sugar problem). If I succeed in sticking with the diet during the day I get a miniature chocolate bar at bedtime as a treat. That has kept me for months now from binging on my bad days. I was threatened to have real medicine cut off this time and I came home rather upset because I hate changing doctors but then I thought what would I want for my sister and in this case it would be to change doctors because although she may possibly be right about the sugar it is not standard treatment for what I have it is more a personal natural-path thing with her. Wouldn't you think at 61 and I have never had an eating disorder or chemical dependency and with my life before Prozac it was the path for others in my family with my kind of depression/anxiety. (ie I have to make this stop!) Even though I do my best to comply with my doctors I just don't think my one miniature candy bar is what is keeping me from being better.
I made the decision and stopped ruminating and fussing about it.
I have no idea if that thought process will help for you but it seems to clear some of the uncertainty to it all.
Things will get better, a lot better but it will take time and work.