Yes you absolutely can. Transgenders are the most brave people on the planet as far as I can tell. They get up every day knowing the hatred they'll incite by being who they are, and do it anyway to be true to themselves. That means they (and by they, I mean you) have more strength than I can ever imagine having. Easy for me to say that as a white male that doesn't walk in your shoes, I realize. And I can't imagine the position you might happen to be in only because you're only trying to be your true self. However, you're stronger than you think you are. You've already proved it. You can get through this. And you have allies that understand and empathize. Fuck what "they" say, and fuck what draconian legislation they try to pass. Be proud of who you are and continue to be who you are. It isn't "their" lives to live.
Going to take the opportunity to also legitimize the fact that I'm not going through what you are going through or can even really understand what it's like to have my existence legislated almost out of existence. I own that. I do understand. Not to the extent you do or live through, but it's not out of the realm of understanding. I realize how flippant and maybe ignorant my last paragraph may be to someone from a person who doesn't live through this. THought about deleting it and moving on. But I thought I should let it stand as it is truth. Totally. Just know that some of us do try. And do have your back. And that you aren't alone in your fight.
Sincerely hope that wasn't condescending. Wasn't my intention. PM me and I'll give you my # if you need a shoulder to cry on, someone to yell at, or ya know, just wanna have a conversation.