We are now down to one car and I don't know what I can do about that. I cannot handle waiting for a bus if it is below freezing these days... a far cry from when I used to survey in the winter, standing in knee deep water while wearing normal coat, jeans and work boots. (Hey, the job has to be done, so the job has to be done.) You would not recognize Brooklyn Park if you were here that long ago. Probably Chaska as well.
I don't mind sweating. I can move better when it is over 80F. And, with this heart thing and diabetes, I have been told that I need to sweat more. Which is hard when it is below freezing for 6 months at a time. (Not every season of course.) Benefits in such places these days are all but nonexistent. Add to that what is going on in Washington in regards to Social Security... I probably won't have what I have by this time next year.
Being nice is not the issue. Minnesota nice is a real thing. The issue is that being nice is as far as they seem willing to go. They don't seem to want to talk. They don't even seem willing to make eye contact in most cases. I walk into the store and everyone passing me looks away or looks down as they pass. It is the wildest thing I have ever seen. As a southerner, you know when anyone passes and they are even remotely facing you or looking in your direction, you nod, say hi, or acknowledge in some way. Where I am from, it is almost rude not to do this. Not up here. Up here, I notice someone passing by who is facing in my direction, I wave, and they look like they just discovered a sniper aiming a rife at them. That has been my experience up here for the last several years... almost to a person. They just do not seem interested in meeting anyone or even considering the idea.