The owner seems to not want another one here since our last dog passed. It is just as well, as this place sucks and there is no way for a dog to be outside unless I have him/her on a leash. It is just not a good place to raise a dog. Our last one was already 10 when we moved here so he was not exactly energetic all the time. But, trying to raise a young one here would just be cruel to the dog. With no room to run around and always being on a lead... I don't find that appealing for any animal.
We live in Minneapolis. I don't mean anything personal, but these people and I can not find anything to connect on. I am far from the only southerner who lives up here, and the few I have run into all agree with me as far as the massive cultural differences when it comes to social interaction. Namely, I like to have fun and hang out. Up here, it seems as if they all need an excuse to gather together. A fellow transplant once said to me, "A Minnesotan will give you directions to anywhere except their house.", and so far he has been proven completely correct. Plus, it seems as if there has to be money involved. There is little to do without paying for it. (The next person who mentions hiking or any park related activities... I was raised on a farm in the freaking wilderness... I worked as a land surveyor for almost two decades. In the woods. So, been there done that.) Yes, I suppose it is just me. But, this has never been an issue before. Five states and never had any issue making friends. But, those other states were all in the south. Which is why I say that I want to move back so badly. The issue is... all of those states are run by rethug majorities and they have little in the way of aid for anyone other than the rich. So, I cannot move back. Unless I want to suffer a slow, wasting death at the hands of greedy asshats who are more concerned with dick waving than something so horrible as helping your fellow human being.