recently diagnosed with MS, struggling with optical neuritis, any tips for coping? [View all]
in brief, September was a lousy month, where i spent most of my time in bed because i'd lost balance and coordination on the left side of my body. October and November were pants, too, in which i racked up some obscene medical bills trying to figure out what was going on, to find out that i have MS. Oh well, could be worse -- heck, i feared it was worse, hearing it was MS was almost a relief.
Now, the dizziness has subsided a fair bit, i can walk and type with both hands again. however, this last week, i got hit with near-blindness in my right eye. At first it was panic-inducing, but i'm coming to terms with it slowly, learning to compensate for my lack of depth perception. i suspect this too shall pass (and maybe reoccur from time to time). If anyone has any advice for dealing with the effects i'd appreciate it. Actually, i'd welcome any general advice for how to deal with a set of seemingly-random symptoms which range from mild annoyance to downright crippling that can come on at any time.