Cancer Support
In reply to the discussion: I am not dead yet. [View all]emmacom
(25 posts)Dear One, May God continue to bless you I Celebrate your fight; I celebrate your Life!
Sadly, I am not so lucky. My 80th birthday present was a diagnosis of adenocarcinoma. That was 14 months ago. My 81st birthday present is the refusal, so far, of the medical profession to try to find a way to treat me before it is too late, which may already be the case.
I have a severe allergy to iodine, which limits the information that present-day scans can provide. Okay. Now add a severe back and neck work injury years ago, including an upper back fracture and curvature and nerve damage to my neck (as well as several herniated disks with progressive nerve damage lower down.) I do have a DNR, but evidently that is not honored when one undergoes surgery. (No, I do not understand that either.) Then add the refusal of the anesthetists to use any means of resuscitation other than chest compression should I stop breathing (which may happen as I must take opioids for pain). The compressions would, however, break ribs and very possibly do further damage my neck and upper spine, leaving me in worse pain, should I live, and in a present-day legal situation in the United States, in which physicians are afraid to provide adequate pain medication to those who are in legitimate need. I would be better off dead. So, I am as yet untreated at all.
I have not stopped pursuing help and there is one surgeon, in a large city over an hour from me, who will at least talk to me--if I can find a way to get there. I no longer drive and have lost my assistant due to severe illness of her own and I have, as yet, been unable to replace her.
I am neither crying nor giving up, If nothing more, perhaps I can move compassion and care for disabled persons ahead one notch. (there is more regarding the lack of care available to me as a disabled person, but I will spare you that here.) So. Please know how very blessed you are! Do not ever give up! Being older is not a reason to be left to die. Neither is a disability. Life is precious for however long it lasts and you are able to do more than just exist.
If you wake in the morning, the rest of the day is a present! I send you love and joy. YOU GO GIRL!
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