In reply to the discussion: 2nd and 3rd wave feminism [View all]Remember Me
(1,532 posts)a great breakdown of the different waves. I don't mean to jump on YOU -- welcome, by the way -- it's just that you offered the too perfect jumping in place.
I'm a confirmed 2nd Waver, and I did not recognize our movement in there.
And what I saw of 3rd Wave, as described, leaves me very annoyed because it makes women of that era look simply ignorant -- ignorant of the rationale, theory, HISTORY, as well as too pampered, lazy and narcissistic to bother doing any better.
And it makes me angry because some of the things ascribed to 3rd wave women are dangerous (harmful) for women as a class and I don't know how it happened, but I strongly suspect some of our foes crept into some of the universities somehow and infected the women's study curricula with anti-woman lies wrapped up and sold as "improvements" and "advances" when they're nothing of the sort. People like Christina Hoff, for example, or Camille Paglia. Blech.