that men who have maturity are being incorrectly judged by being "lumped in" with other age groups of men as far as the criteria for the label "attractive". Because "maturity" is not in lockstep with age we have to think about men a little differently. For example I know mature men who can't stand the idea of spending time with someone of that large of an age difference. Not because they are not physically attractive but because the life experience and maturity isn't there. As a young man or woman you may find going to the bars and living it up to be a great thing. But as an older, mature man I have zero interest in sitting on a bar stool. So younger women who lean in that direction hold no attraction for me.
That being said I can tell stories about dating older women from the time I was in my 30's and on up. I had both good and bad experiences. The best one was with a woman who was 20 years older than me. We never approached our relationship based on age, looks etc. but rather on common interests, shared humor and respect. I also had ones that were not so good because of different things. For example after a few dates one of the women I dated began a very obvious "steering" effort to make the relationship "deeper" than the natural progression had taken it thus far.
It is a sad thing that we have perfectly wonderful, mature men and women who don't connect for a variety of reasons not the least of which is the modern culture and social scene. But there are men out here who do just want to go to dinner, see a show or play, go to a parade, see a film festival, attend a university function, go to a church function, walk on the beach, go bird-watching etc. and walk under the stars and look at the sky.
A mature man, at least this one, does these things so that I can see the reaction to these things in the eyes and manner of the woman I am with and if we are doing something or at an event she likes I can see the sparkle and life in her eyes and manner and to a mature man, especially this one, that is attractive beyond words. Things can take an "uncharted" natural course from there and things can become whatever they will naturally.
Most young men I've ever known do not think this way and that's why I don't think a "survey" like this really covers anything deeper than a shallow surface.