FBI crime statistics show anti-LGBTQ hate crimes on the rise [View all]
Source: The Hill
FBI crime statistics show anti-LGBTQ hate crimes on the rise
BY BROOKE MIGDON - 10/16/23 6:22 PM ET
Anti-LGBTQ hate crimes rose sharply in 2022, jumping more than 19 percent over 2021, according to the FBIs annual crime report released Monday.
More than 11,600 hate crime incidents were reported to the FBI in 2022, the highest number recorded since the agency began tracking them in 1991. A majority of hate crimes recorded last year targeted Black people, according to the report.
Hate crimes targeting LGBTQ people were up significantly compared with 2021, with 622 reported single-bias, anti-LGBTQ hate crimes. Hate crimes motivated by an anti-transgender bias rose more than 35 percent year over year, reaching 338 incidents.
Kelley Robinson, president of the Human Rights Campaign, a national LGBTQ civil rights group, described the increase in hate crimes as both shocking and heartbreaking, yet sadly, not unexpected.
Read more: https://thehill.com/homenews/lgbtq/4259292-fbi-crime-statistics-show-anti-lgbtq-hate-crimes-on-the-rise/