Fast trains from Detroit to Chicago coming in 3-4 years [View all]
By Ellen Creager
Detroit Free Press Travel Writer
KALAMAZOO -- Is that a light at the end of the tunnel? Not yet.
Though Michigan was awarded $403.2 million in federal dollars this year for improvements to its heavily traveled Wolverine line between Pontiac and Chicago, it could be a while before travelers get speedy, reliable Amtrak service.
Construction and ongoing delays are likely to start in May or June and continue for three or four years -- with most major work done on the 135-mile section of track between Dearborn and Kalamazoo.
"There won't be construction everywhere all at one time. It will be broken into manageable pieces," said Timothy Hoeffner, administrator of the Michigan Department of Transportation's office of rail. Still, the project to fix the tracks, cross ties, grades and crossings will cause more disruption on a line already known for its slowness. ............(more)
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