Task force: billions needed to fix transit in S.F. [View all]
San Francisco Chronicle) San Francisco's transportation system - famous for its slow Muni buses, pothole-pocked streets and inadequate bike and pedestrian amenities - needs a lot of help: $10.1 billion worth, a task force appointed by the mayor has concluded.
And, the panel adds, city leaders should ask voters to approve nearly $3 billion in taxes, bonds and fees to help pay the bill.
The 44-member Transportation Task Force, which Mayor Ed Lee announced in his State of the City address in January, will make its recommendations to him Monday afternoon.
After months of study and discussion, the group concluded that the city has $10.1 billion in transportation infrastructure needs through 2030 and that the bulk of those needs are in maintaining and improving the core of the existing system, which has been neglected for decades. That means replacing and expanding the city's bus and streetcar fleet, systematically and regularly repairing streets, and dealing with Muni's overcrowding, unreliability and slowness, which riders have complained about for years. .........................(more)
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