It is my understanding that it is more important to keep the battery between 20 and 80 % charged than how long it sits between charging. Also it's important that it not get to 0% or, depending on the safety levels in Toyota's battery management system, the battery may go dead completely. Having a car built by the most reliable vehicle manufacturer in the world is great piece of mind. The high voltage battery in that car is either a 0.9 kWh lithium-ion battery, which is ~1 / 70th the raw materials and about 1/4 the weight (speaking of efficiency) of a full size all electric or a nickel- metal - hydride battery.
Looks like a great car for the buyer and for the planet. Plus you'll never have to wait in a line to wait to charge. And during a power outage you'll be mobile - as long as you can get some gas.
I Cant Believe The $30k Toyota Corolla Cross Hybrid Is This Good
Battery - way more than you'll want to read but site/page search will answer most questions.
Toyota 1-6-90 Rule - Hybrids are an excellent bridge to a cleaner future.
Jalopnik May 17, 2023 : This Is Why Toyota Isn't Rushing to Sell You an Electric Vehicle
A corporate document reveals why Toyota will focus more on hybrids over EVs.