This may very well be stating the obvious.... [View all]
But if one were to ever look for bargains, this is bloody well looking like the time.
Disclaimer; I am in no way whatsoever suggesting any reader buy any particular security, nor am I encouraging they make any changes to their portfolio or investment style or objectives. Be smart, informed and do your own due diligence.
But gawd damn!
Who knows how much further things will fall? No one, that’s who. BUT......
Hartford Insurance is trading at around $40 today. Do you think it would have been a good idea to buy a bit when it was at $10 back in 2008? Ditto any number of other Blue Chips that had been bid into the cellar back then? And are being hammered today?
Again, I am stating the obvious. I am by no means an analyst, and for all I know (or anyone else, for that matter) if the panic and fear becomes too widespread, we could be looking at an economic shutdown. I mean, what happens if people just simply don’t go out? What happens if no one buys anything for a month or 6 weeks?
I am by no means an economist nor am I qualified to give anyone any advice further than “Keep right except to pass”, but I’ll say this;
If you think no one will ever take a cruise again, or buy an airplane ticket again, or any of the other investment sleeves that have been particularly hard hit, you would be fooling yourself.
Watch for bargains.
When there is blood on the floor and everyone is running for the exits, the smart money turns around and heads back in.