Had breakfast this morning with an old union freight hauler. [View all]
We worked together at Preston 151 they went under in 99. Hes a great guy hes 61 Im 57 and he ended up at ABF i ended up at UPS as road drivers. And in talking we both talked of friends still living and gone some of those guys were absolute characters we talked of the old days to think I have old days to talk about now.
I used to listen to the old timers talk when I started they were WW2 Korea Vietnam vets good solid teamsters. My friend and i he asked if Im ready retire I said no hes putting his retirement papers in.
I said Im working for healthcare is reason I wanna keep 18 & 19 covered while in college. And Im working maybe to the end this contract will see I wanna keep my health got a new rowing machine I told him I dont run anymore my knees he smiled. I said I wouldnt mind working into next contract since Liz is gone.
So I said yea maybe to hope 65 -66 thought of wondering around house alone frightens me so yea maybe into next contract if Im on right side of the grass.
His retirement hobby hes gonna raise goats and bunnies I plan on fishing hopefully trout fishing south Eastern Europe Albania to Kazakhstan trout to Mongolia go after Taimen fish I told him.
its always a pleasure to see old friends.
Just a ramble alone at house today.