I've read over and over that value beats growth in the long run. But it hasn't been a good decade for value, with growth beating value by 13.50% to 11.79% (10 years through October 31, annualized returns). Even the latest 3 year return has growth a bit ahead of value. For past 1 month (the month of October), 1 year, and 3 years, value is way ahead. Judging from these index funds --
VVIAX Vanguard Value Index Fund Admiral Shares
VIGAX Vanguard Growth Index Fund Admiral Shares
One perennial AAII Journal article that keeps showing up in one form or another yammers on and on about how great small-cap value has been historically, and how if some portion (for varying percentages) of your equity allocation were in small value, one would have a ton more of safe withdrawals over a long career and retirement than if one just stuck with the S&P 500 index fund or some-such.