especially since inflation has been stuck in the basement forever it seems like.
Consumer demand has been pent up and thus, bound to drive things up in price. In the meantime, disruptions in the supply side of the fence have disrupted the normal flow of economic activities (remember the huge number of ships waiting offshore the US West coast?).
So, in short, don't believe the republicans when they try to beat down the mostly rosy economic forecasts, economic activity proceeding at a healthy clip under Pres. Biden.
Republicans are blaming people for not working, and literally everything else that's negative about this economy (I can't think of too many terrible things going on at the top of my head). As to people 'not working'? IMHO, I can't blame a lot of people since conditions in a lot of places hasn't been safe. But also, under rump, stimulus payments were made to businesses to encourage them to stay open, keep the payroll. Guess what? This program was riff w/ fraud, w/ tons of people who defrauded Uncle Sam for the money and they still didn't retain their payrolls. Guess who put this idiotic plan in place w/ no overhead? McConnell and trump.
Republicans are certainly no friends of the economic engine of prosperity in the US (and by this term, things are generally doing better for a lot of people, some wage growth is happening (finally decent enough too). Witness paul rand encouraging the striking truckers in Canada to come and block the Superbowl, and other cities. Why? Why is this thug encouraging the disruption of American economic activity when things have been so iffy over the last 2 years?