You read it all so correctly: It surely is both.
Ignorance and apathy:
Not knowing, and absolutely not caring to know.
Knowing and wanting this country to control all the people in the very much poorer Central and South Americas and all the islands in the Caribbean.
These people always have automatically swallowed everything they've read or heard regarding the Americas, and firmly believe all those millions and millions of people are obligated to put the US government, and military, and business interests ahead of their own, and allow their US-business-friendly leaders, who also fall in line with doctrine handed to them by US right-wing politicians and military leaders without question. As a result, those bought Latin American officials will continue to allow US businesses to use the Americas very cheap labor pool, and all their natural resources they can haul out, getting deeply discounted tax rates, with every effort made to avoid allowing workers' rights to get the workers a livable wage under safe conditions. Period. No controls on US-owned businesses, and total sweetheart tax deals. What could be finer? The US gov't, starting in Guatemala in 1954 has actually sent in military to overthrow a President, Jacobo Arbenz, who attempted to raise the standard of living for the desperately poor vast majority of workers, mostly indigenous people.
These Monroe Doctrine devotees abhor the thought of the US industrial/military control of Latin America to loosen one tiny bit. All the Americas belong to Us! Stupid, isn't it?