What is Microsoft 365? A way to keep to keep you tethered to the workplace forever. [View all]
If you’re like most people today, you probably don’t come in to work at 8:00 in the morning, log in on your desktop, and work at your desk until quitting time at 5:00, when you promptly forget all about work until you return to your desk the next morning. As businesses move farther from the old factory model toward greater mobility and more flexible schedules, it becomes ever more challenging to maintain access to documents and stay connected to coworkers.
Office 365 is a cloud service designed to give round-the-clock access to your business computing. Over the years, it has grown to incorporate several types of software. The main one is Office Pro Plus, which makes Microsoft Office tools like Word, PowerPoint, and Excel available through the cloud. This way you can work on your documents, presentations, or spreadsheets even if you don’t have Office software installed on your computer. You can even access them on smart phones and tablets with Office Web Apps, another component of Office 365. (The name Office 365 is Microsoft’s shorthand for suggesting you’ll be connected all the time—every day of the year.)
The demand for Office 365 stems from this: if your only access to Microsoft Office tools like Word and PowerPoint is limited to the software you have housed on your servers at work, once you get home—or anywhere outside the office—you’re not going to be able to open and edit the document you were working on at the office. It also means that you won’t be able to work on the presentation you and a colleague were collaborating on.
Of course, most of us have Word on our computers at home too, so if someone sends us a Word document as an email attachment we can open it, edit it, and send it to someone else. Not many of us, however, have Word installed on our tablets or mobile phones. And without Office 365 you don’t have as many tools for sharing and collaborating on documents in real time, because they aren’t available with traditional versions of the software.
More at http://blog.apterainc.com/bid/328264/What-is-Microsoft-Office-365-A-Simple-Straightforward-and-Jargon-Free-Answer .
[font color=green]It wasn't enough to keep you busy in your cubicle 40 or 50 hours a week. Now you can take your work home too! So long to family time on the weekdays and the weekends. Hello exploitation 24/7/365![/font]