I knew this somehow ran on older pager technology, but I just wanted to tell anyone/everyone [View all]
that my Bushnell wireless indoor weather center w/ 7-day Accuweather forcasting through the Ambientweather system finally stopped working yesterday. When I called, an Accuweather CSR told me they had stopped supporting this service/device back in 2014 or Bushnell ended making their last variety of weather stations in October, 2019, but ours ran on and on each day, each week, each year until yesterday. It really was magic! Such a great device served our family faithfully for about 20+ years. We knew which coat to wear, when to mow the lawn, and when it was more likely to storm. We affectionately called it our "woolley bear" to honor the forecasts of Cleveland meteorologist and Midwest personality, Dick Goddard. I guess it really is the end of the (weather) world as we knew it: our last glance at spot beneath the calendar in the kitchen where hope for a nice day or a stormy one was in evidence.