finally broke down and got a new (refurbished) laptop but it is a windows 10 [View all]
and I cant figure a number of things there a post in here on the basics to fix things? such as do I want this "edge" browser (if so how do I set a new homepage?!!!), if not, is what I am used to good enough - Firefox - or should I do something else?
I have a free office program on my desktop, should I try to find out what it even is and use that again or should I break down and get some sort of microsoft office product? I really don't use it much but when you need to make a document or fiddle with a spreadsheet you do need SOMETHING.
I moslty just browse the interwebs, do a little email, store a few pictures and maybe keep a few records - personal and business. I don't think I want all my devices synced up, but can sort of see the benefits of it too. what do normal people do?
I am already hating the way the lower task bar (or whatever it is called) looks as it has a big blank white search box distracting my eyes, and I also screwed up the opening screen and cant find how to change my name on that...anybody?
it has back lit keys which are kind of cool, but is there a way to regulate that? can I turn that on and off easily? oooo I just found that button, so never mind! LOL
I know most tweaks are going to be personal preferences, but I appreciate any input and suggestions and maybe others could benefit from the information too. Thanks.